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WolfMech s Landing Zone Closed
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~wolfmech/
Loading... WolfMech says, This is WolfMech. I am sorry that this tragedy has occurred. You have my condolences. In sympathy for the pain and suffering of those died and those who risked their lives, I have instructed my player to take down my website....
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:47 and was clicked (1550916) times.

Megamorphics Homepage
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~mm/
Senergy her player, 1999 Artwork Kenneth R. Sample, 1999 Artwork and character used with permission. Welcome to the homepage of Megamorphics, furry fandom s first and only furry macrophilia Amateur Press Association APA , celebrating it s second year ...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:40 and was clicked (1551236) times.

Kolt s Homepage
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~kolt/kolt_home.html
Updated Mar 01, 2002 It s one small step for a macrofur, one giant mess for mankind. Trouble on the farm. Welcome back. The only reason to be here , The Pictures Of course, the obligatory links page to friendly or similar sites. Links Check out to see...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:35 and was clicked (1551074) times.

Duncan Roo s Gallery
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~duncanroo/
Updated: Dec 24, 2002 Yep, that s me on the left. What you ve stumbled into is my little place I like to call my show off page. Some very talented artists in the world of Furry have deemed me worthy of being penned from their paws , claws, and hands, ...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:32 and was clicked (1551136) times.

MACROFurry Page
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~cougr/
MACROFurry Home Page Into Furries in a BIG way? Well, check this page out . MacroFurry is a term I and a bunch of my friends use to describe people who are both into AnthropomorphicsFurries and GiantsMacroMicro play. For the uninitiated; MacrosMicros ...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:28 and was clicked (1550976) times.

Hold on there
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~cerine/
Hold on there Hi. You likely know what this is. It s one of those pages that asks politely whether you are an adult. I care. I mean, I really really care about this one. So, let me give you ample warning. This page contains subject material which may ...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:25 and was clicked (1551737) times.

Bennie s Page
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~bennie/
Bennie s Page 12102001 Posted another story Bennie is... Tiger. Big. Titanic . Stripey. Bad. Strong. Beefy. Muscular. Bulging. Stud. Packed. Dominating . Tiger. Bennie is an anthropomorphic on Furry Muck . He is a big tiger. At his smallest size, he s...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:23 and was clicked (1551607) times.

The Giants Club The Giants Club On FurryMUCK since 1997 March 09, 2003 D ten...
web url address: http://www.macrophile.com/~arilin/
Lately there s been a small giantess coming into the Giants Club , a pleasantly imposing impala woman who has an interesting background not your traditional rampaging giant warrior, but a diplomat. I thought it d be fun to tell her story, or at least o...
this web site was loaded on: 23/March/2003 23:40:21 and was clicked (1556632) times.

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Giganta.org is a worldwide and international giantess & fetish portal, with a large amount of contents, divided by type. All material, the structure, and the layout on this site are © Copyright of Giganta DOT Org located in Italy. Giganta.org was started in august 2001 as a giantess and fetish site for adult entertainment, and now is growing again with new projects, who will create a new era into the giantess fan community.